Thursday, April 05, 2007

La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc (The Passion of Joan of Arc) (1928)

Rating: * * * * * (Out of 5)

An extraodinary film, not only artistically, but how the film miraculously survived. The original film print was lost to fire before its release, but a perfect print was found in an ayslum in Norway in 1981. Now, how that happened could be an interesting film too.

A customer review on Netflix (on those people who love the film): "You people are hard up for entertainment. You are the same folks that could play with a ball of string for hours. This movie stunk!"

Incidentally, a few days before reading that comment, I spent a couple of hours untangling a big ball of strings, and had a good time doing it. Go figure.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can watch this great old film here online: Movies Online

10:12 PM  

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