Thursday, April 05, 2007

Marie Antoinette (2006)

Rating: * * * * (Out of 5)

As much as I liked Lost in Translation, it was probably a bit overrated. And Marie Antoinette is probably a bit underrated.

Kirsten Dunst is perfect for the role and Sofia Coppola seems to know how to film her. I do like the pop music soundtrack, but it isn't exactly a new thing to do. It is a very girly film, but there is nothing wrong with that. Like other Sofia Coppola films, it is more about emotions and moods than plots, and I like it for that.

My pick of the netflix comment: "Went to see this movie in the theaters and I wish I would saved my money or went to a different show. No Plot at all!!! I was so disappointed. It was so bad that I wish I had a guillotine to roll my own head off!"

People love plots.


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