Saturday, April 07, 2007

28 Days Later (2002)

Rating: * * * * (Out of 5)

Excellent film from Danny Boyle. Is it a horror film? It is certainly scary. If anything, it is better than any of the modern horror films. Most new "horror" movies are torture movies for people who are sick enough to find that entertaining. Even when the studios remake classic horror films, they simply take out all the subtext, in essence what was good about those films, and just film the slash and gore. I am not sure if the movie execs don't get it, or they just understand the demographic so well that they simply cater to their sick and disturbed taste.

Fortuntely, Boyle knows what makes a good scary movie. 28 Days Later (Not to be confused with the Sandra Bullock snore fest 28 Days) is about human nature more than zombies mindlessly killing people. The humand soldiers are scarier than any of the zombies. Boyle definitely has some visual flair and there are plenty of cool shots in the film.

My pick of the Netflix comment: "This is the stupidest movie I have ever wasted my time watching. I am sure there was some sort of deep social commentary going on, but it was buried so deeply in slow moving bad acting, that I must have missed the message. The British Army goes "Lord of the Flies for Adults"? Yes - rage is deadly and spreads like wildfire, but watching this movie just INFECTED ME WITH RAGE!"


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